URLstory is an application to keep a record of the sites you visit. There are a couple other progams that do this, but they all did more than I wanted. I just wanted a simple app that would keep track of the pages I visited, and save the links as an HTML file.
URLstory is $5 shareware. There are no nag screens, timeouts, or hidden features, registering is just a way to show your appreciation and support future development and releases. You can register via the Kagi service, using the included Register application.
FIXED IN 1.7.1:
Fixed a bug where if you cancelled out of the Choose History Location dialog, the app would quit. No other changes were made.
NEW IN 1.7:
* On/Off Control
If you're visiting a site that repeatedly downloads the same page (such as a chat site,) or just want to go 'off the record' URLstory now has a Control menu that lets you do that. Choose Off from the menu to stop URLstory from recording page downloads. To remind you that it's off, URLstory will display a red dot in its status line (at the bottom of the window) and also put up a floating window over Netscapes window(s). Clicking anywhere in this window will turn URLstory back on.
* Anti-Save Option
If you've only visited a few sites in your browsing session, or know you haven't found anything interesting, holding down the option key while closing or quitting URLstory will cause it to not save the history list to disk.
* Non-modal Exclusion List Window
The Exclusion List window is now non-modal, so you can drag items from Netscape or URLstory's history window into it to have them ignored. Also added a Remove button (removes the selected item from the list) in place of the Done button. Simply close the window to save your changes.
* Re-register
If you've quit and restarted Netscape while URLstory is still open, Netscape will no longer send its page downloads to URLstory. To remedy this, option-click on the bottom area of URLstory's window (where the number of items in the list is.) URLstory will re-register itself with Netscape and bring it to the front for you.
* Plain-Text Files
Plain text files will now be added to URLstory's list as well as HTML files.
* List Creation Date
Changed the History List files' creation date to reflect when you started URLstory, rather than when you quit.
* Import history after crash
If URLstory is launched after a crash, and it's "URLstory URL Cache" file still exists, the contents of the file will be added to the history window.
* Two Lists Bug (at least I think it's fixed...)
Fixed bug where URLstory would save two copies of the list if you quit by closing the window, rather than quitting the application itself. This doesn't happen consistently, and hasn't happened since I made the changes, but if anyone experiences it, email dev@mothra.net.
*Incorrectly Ignored Bug
Fixed bug where if you had http://www.domain.com/page.html in your Exclusion List, http://www.domain.com/ would incorrectly be ignored as well.
NEW IN 1.6:
* TRUE Auto-Save
URLstory will now automatically save the history list to a folder you specify by choosing History File Location... from the Edit menu. No more annoying save dialog on quit!
* Crash Protection
URLstory now saves each URL as it comes in from Netscape to a file named "URLstory URL Cache". If your Mac crashes this file will contain the URLs of all the pages visited since you started URLstory. They won't be HTML links, but it's better than nothing, and keeping it just the URLs improves speed.
* More Memory
I increased URLstory's standard RAM allocation from 1 megabyte to 2 megs, just to give it more breathing room for longer lists. I've had it up to 700 or so items with the 1 meg partition though, so if you aren't having any problems and want to save some RAM, feel free to cut it back down.
NEW IN 1.5:
* Exclusion List:
URLstory now has an exclusion list to keep portal sites, search engine pages, news sites and the like from cluttering up your history list. (Do you really need to remember that you visit VersionTracker 23 times a day?) To add items to to the list, choose Exclusion List... from the Edit menu, type the URL *exactly as it appears in Netscape* and click the Add button. When you're done adding URLs, click the Done button. The URLs have to be in the same form as Netscape displays them after the page has loaded. For example:
are all different, but only the last one will cause the Yahoo front page to be excluded from your History. The easiest way to do this is to go to the page you want excluded then copy the URL from Netscape's Address field and paste it into the Add dialog.
* Auto Save:
Rather than having to remember to save manually, URLstory will automatically ask you to save your history list when you close its window. Also I added a ".html" extension to the default file name to ensure wider recognition as an HTML file (e.g. syntax coloring in BBEdit.) If you don't want to save the history list, click the Cancel button in the Save dialog. URLstory will quit without saving. Closing URLstory's window will also quit the application.
* Drag & Drop:
You can now drag items from URLstory's list to the desktop, to a Netscape window, or anywhere else that supports Drag & Drop.
* List Count
URLstory now displays the number of items in its list at the bottom of its window.
If you quit URLstory after quitting Netscape, URLstory would re-open Netscape, then quit. This is no longer the case. Upon starting up, URLstory also now brings Netscape to the front.
Enabled Copy & Clear menu items. These will, respectively and not surprisingly, copy the selected URL to the clipboard, and clear it from the list. The [Delete] key has the same effect as Clear.
URLstory only works with Netscape Navigator; Internet Explorer has a history feature built in.
URLstory should work on just about any Mac running System 7 or above. Both 68k and PPC versions are available.
URLstory requires AppleScript, which comes with the MacOS, or can be downloaded from http://www.apple.com/
If there are any problems, email dev@mothra.net
URLstory is shareware, I retain the copyright, and am not responsible for any losses or damages you incur through using URLstory.
URLstory may be freely distributed, provided that this Read Me file, and the Register application are included. URLstory may be included on the Info-Mac CD-ROM.
URLstory is developed with REALbasic <http://www.realbasic.com/>
and makes use of the Processes Plugin by Macrobyte Resources